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---> Introduction

minimum 68030 processor with FPU
AGA or graphics board
Minimum 600x420 Pixel screen for startup
minimum 8 MB free memory
minimum 30 MB free harddisk space
minimum operation system V39 (3.0)
MUI 3.8 (demoversion on the Wildfire\7 CD)
Recommended for all common 2D Operations
68030 FPU 50 MHZ
16 MB Memory
Recommended for high end 3D Special Effects
68060 FPU 50 MHZ
32 MB Memory
Recommended for High-End Operations using professional video resolution
68060 FPU 50 MHZ + PPC 604e
64 MB Memory
Wildfire, Parts of the YAFA-concept, Animations
Andreas Maschke
Ideas, Documentation, Moral Support, Beta-Testing, Animations:
Andreas Küssner
(FULL Wildfire-Support)
YAFA Player, YAFA-concept, Ideas
Michael Henke (Smack/Infect)
The program WF is Copyright (c) 1996-98 WK-Artworks (Andreas Maschke).
All rights reserved.
Commercial use is prohibited, if you want to use it for commercial
purposes you have to get an explicit permission from the author first.
There are two different versions:
It is allowed to charge a fee to recover distribution costs, but no
profit may be made by selling or otherwise distributing the program. It
is not allowed to distribute only parts of the package or a modified program.
Commercial Version:
It's strictly forbidden to give the commercial version to other users
! Giving this Version to other users, using commercial Versions that you
did not receive from us for your personal use is considered as an act of
software piracy!
It is not allowed to disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer any part
of one of the Wildfire-related programs.
No guarantee is given nor implied that this program is fit for any use.
The program and the information within this text are provided on "AS-IS"
basis. The entire risk as to its quality and performance is with the user.
In no event will the author be liable for direct, indirect, incidental
or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the program. The
author reserves the right to make changes to the program or the documentation
without notice.
How to order
Wildfire is available through Amiga Plus.
It`ll come on a CD with lots of examples. The PPC and the so called
Amiga-classic version are on one CD (so there are no price differences
between them from Release 7 on)
It`ll cost about 299 DM.
Main Features:
full PowerPC- and CyberGraphX-support
(really) easy to use MUI interface
preview for almost any operation (including realtime previews)
effect-generator featuring time-dependant parameters via envelopes
a stunning library of effect-PlugIns (over 100) which can be combined in
nearly any manner
some really unique effects
3D-engine with multiple lightsources, transparency and phong-shading
superposition of 3D-effects (PowerPlugs!)
superposition of Lightwave-objects and images in the threedimensional space
3D fonts
loading of PlugIns at any time
Transition-Maker for easy creation of transitions between two animations
easy-to-use Player-interface
AnimInfo-function displaying size-profiles etc.
gadgets which handle mathematical expressions instead of only plain numbers
import of images from other programs
fast and comfortable Converter:
input: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, mpeg, image-sequences, qt, avi
output: YAFA, ANIM5/7/8, mpeg, image-sequences
and many more
We want to thank all the people who helped us developing and distributing
Wildfire, especially: (in alphabtical order)
Bohus Blahut (
Ed Vishoot (
Jernej Pecjak (
Joe Sera (
Jürgen Wesendonk
Michael Burkhardt (
Oberland Computer
Ole Barnkob Kaas (
Silke Brand
All Amiga Magazines
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---> Introduction
©1998 WK-Artworks